Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Guest #1--Melissa Chipperfield

We had such an overwhelming and enthusiastic response to the DT Call we had in July that we HAD to include more of the applicants than just those chosen for the full time DT.  So over the next few months we will showcase some of these ladies as our Special Guest Designers
Our first guest for this month is Melissa Chipperfield from the USA!!

Here is Melissa's lovely card she created for our "Friendship" challenge this month.  She used one of Crissy's Wags 'n Whiskers images called "Love You Sis", which can be found in both rubber and digital formats. You will find details on this card and many more of Melissa's projects on her blog  "Smudges in Time".

Thanks Melissa for pulling out the stops on this card--it's fantastic!!

Now it's time for all of you to show us your friendship cards. Go HERE to my post on the first and you will find all the info you need for uploading your own card or project.

Thanks for taking a peek!! Have a blessed day!!
Sarah ☺


  1. This is so cute Melissa! I love their sweet little gumboots too!
    Hugs, Shannah xox

  2. Love your card, all the details are so fabulous, so beautifully coloured.
    Hugs Linda

  3. Beautiful, love the vibrant colours, and this sweet image.

  4. Ah, it's lovely, Melissa, and I really like that image, it was the one I had in mind for this challenge initially, just perfect for friends I think. CoB

  5. Love your card!! It's so bright and colorful, and it fits the theme this month perfectly!!


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